RESIDENCY – Montréal
Lynn Kodeih is the recipient of the Verticale — centre d’artistes (VCA)+MAI Joint Support Program 2023-2025

RESIDENCY – Salt Spring Island, B.C.
Lynn Kodeih wins the SSNAP Residency Award

SSNAP Ceramics finalists Panel – Salt Spring National Art Prize

EXHIBITION – Salt Spring Island, B.C.
Salt Spring National Art Prize finalist show

ARTICLE revue esse
Lisa Tronca’s review of the exhibition Beirut : Eternal Recurrence

ARTICLE Canvas magazine 
Leah Snyder's review of the exhibition Beirut : Eternal Recurrence Phoenix City: Group Exhibition at SAW Center 

Beirut : Eternal Recurrence curated by Amin Alsaden, Jason St-Laurent and Amar A. Zahr. With works by Ziad Antar, Marwa Arsanios, Ali Cherri, Batoul Faour, Sirine Fattouh, Mona Hatoum, Lamia Joreige, Lynn Kodeih, Walid Raad / The Atlas Group, Stéphanie Saadé, Jayce Salloum and Akram Zaatari
SAW Center, Ottawa

ARTICLE revue Espace
Robin Simpson’s review of the exhibition Effacer voir ou le jour où j’ai arrêté de dessiner

As part of her exhibition Effacer voir ou le jour où j’ai arrêté de dessiner at La Galerie de l’UQAM, Lynn Kodeih gives a lecture-performance

Effacer voir ou le jour où j’ai arrêté de dessiner
La Galerie de l’UQAM– Montréal

Polycephaly is a research collective and project by Lynn Kodeih and Rachel Dedman, a platform and project exploring art's (in)ability to 'do' politics, as opposed to being or appearing political.

Halcyon - Transart Triennial
ELSE JOURNAL 2: The Imperceptible Self

Three questions to Lynn Kodeih
Interview with Barbara Coffy for Libalel

Deus Ex Machina - Ashkal Alwan
Video performance by Lynn Kodeih, part of Home Works Forum 7

Of heros, football, and all that remains of my childhood - Kunstbanken Performance Festival, Hamar
In her lecture-video-performance, Lynn Kodeih (b. 1982) examines the impact politics has on the everyday life of the individual Lebanese. She collects their stories and discusses what she calls Lebanon's "impossible revolution".

Of heroes, football, and all that remains of my childhood - International Film Festival Rotterdam
Taking as her starting point the heritage of 'impossible change' - a fatalistic acceptance of the impossibility of change that characterizes her generation of Arabs - the artist explores the concept of 'the revolutionary' as the necessity arises to define her place vis-à-vis the recent events in the Arab world.

Of heroes, football, and all that remains of my childhood - Beirut Art Center
In of heroes, football and all that remains of my childhood, Lynn Kodeih revisits the visual culture of the Arab 1980’s generation, discussing the “im-possible revolution” in Lebanon.

160 feet under pure blue sea - Beirut Art Center
Lynn Kodeih’s performance at Beirut art center is presented within the framework of the exhibition exposure 2010.